LinkedList and a Limited Undo Stack

I needed an undo stack today - but wanted it to behave like a queue when it was full, dropping the oldest items in the collection to make room for new ones. Found two posts - Undo Functionality with a Limited Stack, and also a reference to an identically named collection called LimitedStack here.  Was initially thinking of simply writing a wrapper over an array of objects, shifting items along as new ones were added, but using a linked list is a clever solution, as it provides the queue like behavior needed without out any extra code via RemoveFirst() and RemoveLast(). using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace DotBits.Gallery.Builder.Objects
public class UndoStack<T> : LinkedList<T>
private int _maxItems;

public int MaxItems
return _maxItems;
while (this.Count > value)

_maxItems = value;

public UndoStack(int max)
_maxItems = max;

public T Peek()
return this.Last.Value;

public T Pop()
LinkedListNode<T> node = this.Last;
return node.Value;

public void Push(T value)
LinkedListNode<T> node = new LinkedListNode<T>(value);

if (this.Count > _maxItems)
