Computer Networks and Internets

Submitted on Oct 18, 2008, 5:32 p.m.

 Computer Networks and Internets (5th Edition) 5th Edition by Douglas E. Comer (Author)Networks and Internets (5th Edition) 5th Editionby Douglas E. Comer (Author)One of the texts for the Network Security module I'm currently studying is Douglas E. Comer's book  'Computer Networks and Internets (5th Edition)'.

The book is a tour de force of all things networking. It's written in a clear, uncomplicated and beautiful narrative. Comer is obviously brilliant (like I'm able to judge - just search for his bio online). But what makes this book really special is the way you are constantly reminded of where you are in the bigger scheme of themes; how everything fits together - from data communications, carrier frequencies and modulation, to LAN/WAN and wireless network technologies, to higher level protocol and application layer features. I don't think I've ever read a technical textbook that I actually didn't want to put down (at least at times). It normally takes me about a month to work through a 500+ page textbook, longer if it's a yawner... but in a little over a week I've nearly finished Comer's book - highlighted and marked up. It will remain a permanent member of my reference library.

Whether you're a technology professional, or just curious about 'how stuff works' - this book is for you. (I also love the dedication at the beginning of this book... "To Packets Everywhere".) Thank you Douglas E. Comer.