CSS and the Wrath of Internet Explorer

Submitted on Jun 14, 2008, 6:09 a.m.

I have a lot of respect for experienced CSS/XHTML designers having lived through two medium size projects that both had accessibility and XHTML Strict requirements - it was tough going. We survived the Peekaboo Bug, the Guillotine Bug, and the Duplicate Characters Bug to name a few.

I recently updated the design of my blog and my photo gallery component. Trying to keep the site IE6 compatible brought back painful memories. Thanks to this kind blogger at 456 Berea St - I managed to squash the last CSS bug in the layout - a problem I was having with space appearing between <li> items in a list that contains block level elements. I was kind of surprised to see this in IE7. The block element in this case was an <a> tag - and needed to have a width or height set in order to close up the gap between the containing <li>s; a very common layout for creating hover effects on menu items in <ul> lists. Sigh.

Lone blogger 1 - IE6/IE70