Where My Head’s At…

Submitted on Feb 23, 2009, 12:28 a.m.

Been quiet here on both blogs and in the photography department – right is the reason why. Did you know that ROM packs better than EEPROM, and EEPROM packs better than RAM? Or that the Vpp contact on smartcards is no longer used because it could be exploited via simple power analysis – preventing PIN entry attempts from being written to EEPROM? No? Well neither did I. :-) Man I’ll be glad when this is over. Only three months to go and I get my life back. That said I’ve packed more into my cerebral EEPROM in the last six months than I have in the last six years. The Web security and identity management stuff has been particularly good. Not 100% sure yet – but might like to do something in the area of identify management and privacy for my final project. Watch this space…