Tuk Tuk's in Bangkok

Submitted on Apr 24, 2007, 4:20 p.m.
Tuk Tuk in Bangkok

I doubt I'm generating enough traffic on the site yet for this to have the effect I'd love it to - but you never know...

A friend of a friend was passing through Bangkok a week ago - and we'd arranged to meet for dinner, as well as enjoy the beginning of the Songkran Festival.

Just the other day I received an email thanking me for dinner and a fun evening out. However, the rest of the email included a description that I've heard time and time again about a really unpleasant experience with Tuk Tuk drivers in Bangkok.

My friend's friend had been told repeatedly by a Tuk Tuk driver that the temple she wanted to visit was closed. She was then dragged off to the closest gem shop in an effort to pry her hard earned currency from her hands and for the Tuk Tuk driver to receive a handsome commission in the process. So on her last day in Bangkok instead of a pleasant cultural experience - she'd got the usual Tuk Tuk con.

Don't use them. They may be cute to look at and an icon of Bangkok, but they're dangerous (just plain unsafe to ride in) and will fleece you for two to three times the price of a taxis as well as do their level best to ruin your plans for the day.