Other Stuff

Having spotted a tweet on Pandora.com - and then of course discovering that Pandora.com is not available outside the U.S., I was inspired to take a...
This made me laugh. You know a product has long since reached the 'tipping point' when even your cleaning lady tries to sell it to you. I was sitting...
This is scary - U.S. School District to Begin Microchipping Students - as Karen Lawrence Öqvist"s points out as well. I remember reading about high...
On my way back to Bangkok after a long weekend in Hong Kong. Was very lucky with the weather and had a great trip. Saw most of the major site -...
If I could design the future of social networking it would look like this... I'd have a platform... some kind of service or software platform, from...
If you've never lived in a tropical climate before - there are a few things people need to warn you about. Firstly, I live in a small apartment (well...
Ok - I admit it - I love Doritos - especially cheese flavored Doritos. I know they don't exactly fall into the category of health food - but I could...
I've been wanting to blog about this one for a while now. Like a lot of Canadians that aren't from Quebec (i.e. any of the other nine provinces and...
Ok - second attempt, this time from Dabs.com. What an amazing camera; built-in neutral density filter if you want a wide aperture in bright light...