Master's Thesis

Submitted on Sep 25, 2011, 2:13 a.m.

I completed my master's degree in information security from Royal Holloway, University of London this May. It took a little while for the results to come out, and to be sure that my thesis had been accepted and graded accordingly. Now that I'm in the clear, I'm able to publish the report online - which can be found here at the following link - 3-D Secure: A critical review of 3-D Secure and its effectiveness in preventing card not present fraud. It can be read as HTML, or downloaded in PDF form (with larger figures and illustrations) from here

I think the executive summaryintroduction and conclusion read fairly well, and might be of general interest. In another life - I'd love to spend more time on human computer interaction for security related tasks (HCI-Sec). It's a fascinating field and I found some really interesting material on the topic.

I also wanted to say thank you to all of those who participated in the survey; in particular to Paul Stack (@stack72 ) and Craig Murphy (@CAMURPHY) for helping to drum-up participants.
