Sony NEX-7 Review - Thoughts After the Hype

After all the hype and a couple of months of steady use, here's a review and a few thoughts about Sony's NEX-7 digital camera. Before I start though (and in case you haven't already noticed), it's a remarkable time for photography as a whole. Technological advances in cameras are having an enormous impact on both professional and amateur photographic communities. We're seeing consumer-level cameras with sensor resolution and light sensitivity that is pushing digital photography well beyond what would have been possible with film not so many years ago.



Getting Started with Nokogiri and XML in Ruby

Here's a short post on getting started with Nokogiri - a Ruby gem that wraps libxml. I'm writing this because well, the docs at kind of suck. I wanted to read a simple XML document. My XPath fu was a little rusty, although all I wanted to do was read some attributes from a root element, some element values off of the root, and then a short collection of items (very similar to an Atom document). My main bone of contention with the docs was their use of the `@doc.xpath("//character")` search operator at the very beginning of their parsing tutorial. How about we start from the beginning:



Bitmask and Bitwise Operations in Ruby

Here's a solution to a problem I was trying to solve in Ruby. I wanted to create a 23 bit data structure, that would hold three values. A 14 bit year, a 4 bit month and a 5 bit day. Each of these bit sizes are the minimum number of bits required to support a maximum value of 9999 for years, 12 for months and 31 for days (with months and days optional - hence the custom data structure). Using the bitwise & operator, you can either mask (protect) or zero out bit values. And then using the bitwise | operator - you can turn bits back on. In Ruby you can create and manipulate binary literals directly using the 0b prefix.




I've had my Sony NEX-7 for a couple of weeks now, and so far I'm liking it a lot.

I'll be posting a more detailed review soon (aimed specifically for those considering downsizing from their full-size DSLR gear). I also managed to find an infrared (IR) trigger and timer combination that will work with the IR remote feature of the Sony NEX-7.

The Long Road Home

I’ve toyed with a few titles for this post, including - ‘My Kingdom for a Backslash’, or ‘Fish Don’t Know They’re in Water’. In the end I felt ‘The Long Road /home’ was the most fitting. This post is about my thoughts and experiences as a software developer, leading up to my use of Linux and building my first non-Microsoft based Web application.

In The Beginning

I’m a non-CompSci grad, having started my academic life with a college diploma in biology (a Canadian community college is the equivalent to what would have been called a ‘polytechnic’ in the UK). After about four years of working as a laboratory assistant I decided that biology wasn’t for me and moved into IT. I started the hard way – PC support, and slowly worked my way up from there. I had a couple of lucky breaks along the way, which combined with a lot of work meant that I was eventually able to pass for a nearly competent IT professional.



Pirate Publishing

Update: 01-Dec-2011: In a subsequent email exchange between myself and Grafenstein Freizeit und Tourismuswerbung GmbH, we were able to agree on my suggested donation of 50 Euros to a local charity, and at least one of my images will be used in their publication. A win-win (albeit modest one) for Grafenstein Freizeit und Tourismuswerbung GmbH, and German Cancer Aid.

Original Post: I received an email the other day, asking if one of my pictures on Flickr could be used in a travel magazine being published in Germany. The result was a short exchange of emails that I think epitomizes the challenges faced by the photography industry as a whole  - and so I decided to post about it. Here's a copy of the email I received:


Master's Thesis

I completed my master's degree in information security from Royal Holloway, University of London this May. It took a little while for the results to come out, and to be sure that my thesis had been accepted and graded accordingly. Now that I'm in the clear, I'm able to publish the report online - which can be found here at the following link - 3-D Secure: A critical review of 3-D Secure and its effectiveness in preventing card not present fraud. It can be read as HTML, or downloaded in PDF form (with larger figures and illustrations) from here

I think the executive summaryintroduction and conclusion read fairly well, and might be of general interest. In another life - I'd love to spend more time on human computer interaction for security related tasks (HCI-Sec). It's a fascinating field and I found some really interesting material on the topic.

I also wanted to say thank you to all of those who participated in the survey; in particular to Paul Stack (@stack72 ) and Craig Murphy (@CAMURPHY) for helping to drum-up participants.



The Best Mac OS X Utilities

Having recently joined the 'cult of Apple' - here's what I consider to be the minimum required set of Mac OS X utilities and helper applications for any Mac OS X installation:

1) Quicksilver: Update: 2014-10-11 - One of the features I've relied on in Quicksilver, was the ability to easily set system-wide keyboard shortcust. Thanks to this very cool app - Apptivate which does nothing 'but' set system-wide accelerators (including my prefered keybinding to launch Pathfinder), I'm less reliant on an app launcher now. Spotlight works fine, and Yosemite will finish this off nicely. Original Post: Thanks to This application launcher is the business. It's been around for ages, and does what it says on the tin. It looks a lot like 'Gnome Do', and I love it. A very fast, and very convenient way to launch apps, scripts, open documents and a lot more. It's also free. An alternative to Quicksilver is Alfred - which also looks nice - although I've yet to take it for a spin. 



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